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2D1N Batam with PT Best Batam Tour

2 Days 1 Night at Batam Hotel: Nagoya Plasa Hotel Ferry: Majestic Ferry Damage: Slight above SGD250/pax Travel Dates: 16/08/17 - 17/08/17 This time we went to Batam on a tour. We bought a package at $53, which includes the ferry (excluding tax), 1 night accommodation, a city tour, 5 minutes of Go Kart, 60 min massage, and 1 Indonesian buffet lunch. So cheap right? I think so too. On Wednesday, we woke up early early in the morning to catch our ferry. If you're lucky, you'll get a newer ferry. So it is all about luck. But so far, majestic ferry has never disappointed me. Even the older ferry is fine. I mean it is like less than an hour's ride. I don't think your butt will burn or ache. On Majestic Ferry (the older ferry), about to embark on journey to Batam :) We got there and met our tour guide. She was a super nice and bubbly lady, but I must say that the tour was a little disorganized in the beginning. It was not her fault, but PT Best, the tour agency

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